Maximizing Technician Utilization: The Ultimate Guide To Boost Service Revenue & Profits

Published 06 Feb 2024

If you provide professional and technical services, how you utilize time has a huge impact on your overall profitability. Time management is especially important when it comes to your technicians, whether they are billable resources or not. The sad truth is that most organizations have a hard time tracking and improving technician utilization, with or without a professional services automation platform (or PSA platform). Many service providers don’t even know how many billable hours are required before investment in a technical resource reaches a break-even point.  

This eGuide, from your partners in profit optimization at, was written to help you: 

  • Understand and improve technician utilization rates 
  • Increase efficiencies through time tracking automation 
  • Dramatically improve profitability and your bottom line 

This free resource is filled with eye-opening techniques and strategies garnered from more than 40 years of direct experience working with integrators to better automate and improve their business processes and overall time-tracking capabilities. Time is money, and with this guide you’ll learn how to get a significant amount of it back. 


If you don’t currently utilize a professional services automation platform, learn more about how PSA can help your entire team automate time-consuming processes so you can focus on growth and your team can improve efficiency while enhancing customer service. 



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