Embracing Transparency With Status.Rev.io

Published 16 Aug 2018

Rev.io has partnered with Statuspage.io to embrace transparency during downtimes and more effectively communicate with our clients. Here at Rev.io, we’re very proud of our 99.99% uptime. But when incidents do occur, we want our clients to be the first to know!

Status.rev.io is our new incident communication tool that clients can use to check the status of our billing platform in real-time. We believe in proactive support, so clients who subscribe via email and/ or SMS will receive important alerts, like status changes, as well as a post-mortem update and an explanation of what occurred. We’ll even provide the steps we will take to mitigate future issues.

This modern incident communication platform is yet another addition to our suite of client services, but clients must opt in to take full advantage. In a recent Q & A with Matthew Robison, VP of Client Success, he provided insight into the importance of this tool and why you should opt in!

Q: Why is this tool important?

A: Status.rev.io provides clients with more transparency when there is an issue in the platform. It gives clients real-time updates on the status of Rev.io’s billing platform. From Rev.io Enterprise Portal to Agent Portal, your customers and agents rely on Rev.io! We take our responsibility seriously and want to provide the best set of tools that help you understand how your business is being impacted by downtime incidents and upcoming maintenance.

Q: How often are these metrics updated?

A: If there are any issues, the display statuses of independent functions will update in real-time. In addition, Rev.io employees will use the incident log to communicate the latest changes until the issue is resolved.

Q: How does this help clients?

A: Using Atlassian’s Status Page platform gives clients more transparency when they are having issues with our software and it also allows our clients to know if other Rev.io users are experiencing similar problems. We want to be as honest and upfront as possible with our clients.

Q: Do other companies provide this level of detail?

A: Some do, some don’t. Every company has varying levels of comfort with what they share. Here at Rev.io, we would prefer to overshare which is consistent with our value of Transparent Leadership. It’s each company’s choice to decide how to manage their operation and how they’d like to provide their services. Rev.io strives to provide extraordinary service to clients. This is just one example of how Rev.io’s Client Success Team goes above and beyond!

Q: Why did we create it?

A: One of our core values at Rev.io is Transparent Leadership.  If for some reason Rev.io is experiencing issues by our own fault or for other reasons, our ultimate responsibility is to serve our customers. This platform shows clients what’s happening in the platform in real-time and gives us versatility on how we communicate these issues (via text, email, RSS feed, etc.).

Q: Why should I opt in?

A: So you can be in the know! When you opt in, you can choose how you’d like to be notified if Rev.io experiences any platform downtime. With a 99.99% uptime, platform issues are rare, but being transparent offers our clients 24/7 peace of mind and assurance, knowing that our trusted staff is working quickly and effectively to resolve any issue.

Here’s a recent example of a real incident that many clients experienced on status.rev.io that includes a postmortem explaining what happened afterward. For more information, or to see how Rev.io can help you with our telecom billing platform, contact Rev.io today!


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